Radical Self Care

reclaiming your power thru radical self care

May 6, 2019
109 Picks

Radical Self Care may be a trend, but it’s one of the best trends that has ever happened to Black people. The idea of Black people taking back control over their own minds, bodies and spirits is exactly what’s needed to survive in a system that constantly tells us that our wellness isn’t important. Self care is a radical act because, let’s be honest, sometimes it’s easier to take care of everyone else except ourselves. Black people have been indoctrinated to believe that they should put themselves last — but putting ourselves first is key.

Whether you are a busy entrepreneur, a student or an elder, in order to survive and sustain, you need self-care. Despite itemized differences like class or education, all Black people are deprived of their human rights. Failure to have human rights creates systemic racism, a pervasive component of the Black experience, which, in turn, creates a climate where Black people often witness the murders of their brothers and sisters, encounter micro-aggressions at work, and attempt to overcome the pressures of financial distress. Considering 90% of the Black community does not have generational wealth to pass on to their children, the Black community faces a prodigious burden of financial strain. These stresses reflect the consequences of not having human rights, stresses that negatively impact the culture — which is why, now more than ever, Black people need radical self-care.

Radical self care is the act of taking control over your own mind, body and spirit, and taking responsibility for your own well being. Radical self care requires work, what you put into it is exactly what you get out of it. Oftentimes, we see self care depicted as manicure and bubble baths; and while those are small acts of self care, proper self care goes much deeper than that.

Society teaches us to constantly rely on an oppressive system but radical self-care takes the power back and places it back into your hands. Some radical self-care practices are meditation, Meditation has the ability to change the expression of dna in our cells and can alter a response to stress. Yoga activates your parasympathetic nervous system that allows you to find peace and balance, with the ability to cure some chronic diseases, anxiety and depression. Unpacking internalized racism allows decolonizing of the mind, body and spirit, Walking 30 minutes a day prevents heart disease and naturally release serotonin , dismantling classism and colorism allow you to have a better connection with yourself and your culture. Plant based living allows you to have a healthy relationship with food, therefore better health and a healthier relationship with yourself. Radical self care is about creating a holistic daily ritual that works for your life. It’s about kindness, compassion and strength with the world but most importantly with self. Radical self care is going deeper into your feelings unpacking the things that don’t serve you so that you may grow and heal. The deeper you go into these practices, the more clarity, self-love and sense of peace you obtain.

Radical self care is bold and vital, its Black people loving themselves unapologetically, which is an act much needed today and everyday.

Satya is a global wellness leader, spiritual yoga and meditation teacher and the Founder of Women Of Color Healing Retreats, the first wellness retreat for Black women.
