Prince Harvey - BoomBoxBoy


ny-based rapper prince harvey fights the system a with ongoing project “stay bold: 100 days 100 songs”

July 20, 2017
270 Picks

“The aim is to ‘activate’ and inspire action and dialogue.”

What do we want? A revolution. When do we want it? NOW. At least  NY-based, genre-fusing rapper Prince Harvey does, according to his current work in progress “Stay Bold: 100 songs 100 days”.

Given the social climate currently plaguing America, there is something shifting in the air, and it becomes difficult to block out the deprecating narrative. It’s times like these that force the activist out of the artist, and those clear enough to take the initiative are able to reclaim their power while influencing others.

With Harvey’s latest project, the first 100 days of Trump’s presidency serves as a twisted inspiration, and a call to action. Over the next 3 months, he aims to create a “musical universe” that will reflect the world we desire to have, rather than the one we currently live in.

Originally making waves with his 2015 project Phatass–which he gained particular mention for making entirely in the Apple Store–the artist’s unique blend of rap-electro makes him recognizable in both style and musicality.

This political debut is one to be followed, and you can help support the project by backing his Kickstarter. We are a community, and we need each other more than ever.

Check out a short documentary about the project above, and Prince Harvey’s first 3 tracks of “Stay Bold: 100 songs 100 days” below!

Photo by Nooshin Rostami
