Become a contributor
Since day one, AFROPUNK has been the community’s megaphone.
Your voice is our voice — AFROPUNK is just the amplifier. Now we want to invite you, the members of the AFROPUNK community, to broadcast who you are and show off what you do by becoming contributors to the new AFROPUNK.com.
- Do you want to share a story AFROPUNK should do — or write that story?
- Do you want to share your music — or music you think AFROPUNK should cover?
- Do you want to submit videos or photographers you think AFROPUNK should feature — yours or your friends’?
- Do you want your artwork to be presented at an AFROPUNK festival — or do you want to be a photographer at one?
- Do you just have something loud and personal to say, and need a place to say it?
So familiarize yourself with AFROPUNK.com, with its editorial standards and practices, and with the kind of stories we publish. If your story fits, Submit Your Pitch — with name, email, the category that your pitch corresponds to and a short description of your pitch — and if we would like to publish your story, an AFROPUNK editor will get back to you as soon as possible.
We look forward to hearing from you and to publishing your work!