
Healing As Resistance: The Power Of Wellness Practices In A Time Of Collective Activism

June 26, 2024

We are currently experiencing a monumental moment in history. As we witness the injustices of multiple genocides, our individualism as a species is calling for us to come together. All over the world, many are protesting and demanding liberation for all. This collective urge to mobilize change for the benefit of our long-term success as a human race is at the forefront. Climate change is heating the planet at a rate we cannot ignore, or at least not the youth who will be responsible for mending the negligent greed of older generations. We are waking up to understand the struggles of oppressed groups are an imbalance of imperialistic structures and a collective problem to solve. A reflection of a capitalistic system looking to imprison us in a sea of distraction through overconsumption. The youth are using their platforms to rally for change from TikTok to college campuses, they are protesting against the inhuman genocides across the globe. 


Activism is on the rise as the cries of innocent children replay on reels etching themselves in our subconscious, inciting a global rage against the machine. With so many issues coming to light, activists are stretched thin and at risk of burnout as they fight to be the voice of change. 

Now more than ever, activists need wellness practices and tools to nourish themselves. Our health is a weapon that will fortify our long-term willpower and international movements for justice. This great time of change is a catalyst for the truth to surface to bring drastic shifts in our governments, economy, social concepts, and new solutions for the unification of our finite earthly resources. Social media platforms and the internet are bridging communities from every corner of the world. We witness up-to-date posts, stories, and Instagram lives that challenge mainstream news outlets. Millennial and Gen Z activists use their voices and platforms, even leading virtual protests in video games like Roblox

The hashtag #ceasefire is connecting millions to stay focused on the atrocities in the West Bank as we watch firsthand the genocide of Palestinian people. They continue to experience the annihilation of their home, culture and loved ones. At the same time, politicians allow Israel to commit crimes against humanity. Democratic Republic of the Congo is going through significant turmoil due to escalating conflicts with the M23 rebel group. Resulting in severe humanitarian crises for children and families supplying unsustainable technological systems while starving to keep up with our smartphone obsessions. In Sudan, the situation is dire as ongoing violence between the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) has led to severe humanitarian crises and current concerns of genocide. The aftermath of a two-year war in Tigray, Ethiopia, with recent reports stating they allegedly breached international laws, has left a humanitarian crisis as the region experiences extreme food shortages and starvation

These crises share underlying patterns rooted in the legacies of imperialism as these regions have experienced prolonged conflict, significant humanitarian crises, and systemic oppression, often stemming from their colonial histories. The core of these conflicts are marked by the extraction and exploitation of resources, manipulation of ethnic and political divisions, and the imposition of foreign interests. Daily activists across the world face censorship, discrimination, and police brutality as journalists lose their lives to bring awareness to causes. How can we sustain our health and well-being as an activist community to continue to be of service to humanity? Discover ways to take care of yourself as an ally for liberation. 

The hashtag #ceasefire is connecting millions to stay focused on the atrocities in the West Bank as we watch firsthand the genocide of Palestinian people. They continue to experience the annihilation of their home, culture and loved ones. At the same time, politicians allow Israel to commit crimes against humanity. Democratic Republic of the Congo is going through significant turmoil due to escalating conflicts with the M23 rebel group. Resulting in severe humanitarian crises for children and families supplying unsustainable technological systems while starving to keep up with our smartphone obsessions. In Sudan, the situation is dire as ongoing violence between the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) has led to severe humanitarian crises and current concerns of genocide. The aftermath of a two-year war in Tigray, Ethiopia, with recent reports stating they allegedly breached international laws, has left a humanitarian crisis as the region experiences extreme food shortages and starvation

These crises share underlying patterns rooted in the legacies of imperialism as these regions have experienced prolonged conflict, significant humanitarian crises, and systemic oppression, often stemming from their colonial histories. The core of these conflicts are marked by the extraction and exploitation of resources, manipulation of ethnic and political divisions, and the imposition of foreign interests. Daily activists across the world face censorship, discrimination, and police brutality as journalists lose their lives to bring awareness to causes. How can we sustain our health and well-being as an activist community to continue to be of service to humanity? Discover ways to take care of yourself as an ally for liberation. 


Protecting your nervous system is an act of rebellion! Wellness practices like breathwork, meditation, sound baths, grounding, and incorporating herbs can help.


The nervous system is a complex network that governs many critical functions in the body, including motor and autonomic functions such as heart rate, digestion, and respiratory rate. It helps with cognitive tasks like thinking, memory, and emotion regulation. It also controls sensory perception, allowing us to experience our 5 senses, supports our sleep cycle, and moderates our immune system. It’s essential to have a regulated nervous system and to know that our body heals the most in the “rest and digest” state that the parasympathetic parasympathetic nervous system PSNS allows. Many live in a state of “fight or flight,” where the nervous system can produce states of anxiety, fear, and extreme stress. Activists may experience this during a protest, viewing a video of children in the Congo or while expressing their viewpoint in conversation. Try these tips to balance your nervous system while raising your voices for justice. 


Diaphragmatic Breathing: Engage in deep belly breathing to promote a relaxed, stress-free state that will activate your parasympathetic nervous system. Practice by inhaling deeply through your nostrils, allowing your lower belly to expand with oxygen, and then exhaling through the nose as the stomach deflates. Use an essential oil to make the experience more relaxing, and it can help shift your mood fast. 


Box Breathing: Try this simple technique: Inhale for four breaths, hold the breath for four, then exhale for four, and hold the breath out for four. This method helps to calm the mind and regulate the nervous system. If you want to try another way, you can do a 4-4-8 count. So, the exhale is for 8 counts instead of 4, extending the exhalation longer than the inhale. See how you feel after a few rounds. 


Meditation: Helps improve overall mental and physical health by reducing stress, lowering cortisol levels, and promoting parasympathetic activity, which calms the body, enhances emotional regulation, and balances bodily functions. Try 5-20 minutes of meditation daily.


Sound Bath: “Can induce a relaxed state, reduce stress, enhance your mood, and aid in emotional well-being. They help improve your immune system, offer muscle relation to support pain relief, and improve sleep quality.” Discover how sound baths can heal. Music is a potent tool, find an in-person sound meditation or play one on YouTube. 


Herbs: Certain herbs like chamomile, lavender, passionflower, and valerian possess calming properties that support the nervous system by promoting relaxation and reducing stress. Adaptogenic herbs like reishi, ashwagandha, rhodiola, tulsi or ginseng are great for your diet to balance the stress response and enhance the overall resilience of the nervous system. Try adding these to your week. 


Nature Time to Ground: Enjoy time out in nature, connecting with the trees, animals, and your breath. If you’re able, stand barefoot on the grass and let your stress melt into the Earth. Nature is a great way to reduce stress and enhance well-being, whether you head to a local park, your backyard, a beach, or a forest. Spend time in nature to center yourself and balance out your nerves.  


How to avoid burnout for activists? 


We are experiencing collective grief, as death tolls rise and more causes surface looking for support. Understanding your bandwidth and limitations is important as you fight for efforts dear to the heart. Making space to rest is important to keep the body healthy. Prioritize breaks to regroup and recuperate your energy with a calming playlist. Smudge yourself with palo santo, sage, or other herbs to cleanse your energy after a long work day, especially after a protest to release any heavy energy. By taking care of our health, we will continue to be a threat with the willpower to keep showing up for unity in the world. We must transmute the rage, anger, and frustrations into action with practices that address injustices through dialogue and accountability. Find ways to channel the emotions into constructive creations like art or free-flowing writing. Make space for movement to release pent-up aggression like martial arts, running, yoga, or dancing. Communicate with a therapist, chat with friends, or seek a healer to support you. As we mobilize protests, let’s continue learning how to better organize as a community to aid each other in the ongoing fight for equality. This requires us to study ways to successfully organize and rally our resources to implement large-scale changes. Activists have a long way to go, but wellness practices can help sustain our energy, manage stress, and transform stagnant emotions, ultimately enhancing our capacity for resistance and resilience.

