Cleo Barnett


sassyblack meditates on self love in “depression: antidote” short film

March 30, 2020

Seattle-based singer and producer SassyBlack wants to share a gift with you. That gift is a path to self-acceptance and peace in the form of her short film “DEPRESSION: ANTIDOTE.” Using two songs from her Ancient Mahogany Gold album and filmed images of herself basking in the naturally beautiful environs of the Pacific Northwest, SassyBlack presents the simple but powerful mantra “I love myself” as means of combatting all of the negative stimuli and emotion that would have us feel otherwise.

For her, depression is not something to be ashamed or afraid of but a fact of life; a thing to be felt, acknowledged and understood but not defeated by. “To know depression is the true antidote,” she says in the artist’s statement that accompanys the piece. “To know what causes it and what lets it grow and dim is what ultimately will help cure it. Self love and understanding is at the root of this cure and there is no one way to reach it. However you approach it, the journey all begins the same, through discovery of self.”

Let this film co-directed by SassyBlack and fine artist Cleo Barnett give you respite from the bleak news of the day and remind you of the power of gratitude and being kind to oneself.
