Samantha Qeja


rep. marcia fudge backs federal anti-hair discrimination legislation

December 9, 2019
273 Picks

Legal bans on hair discrimination against Black employees have, slowly, been making their way across the country in places like Los Angeles and New York, and now a coalition of Black legislators, including Representative Marcia Fudge and Senator Cory Booker are introducing federal legislation known as the “Crown Act” to make discrimination against hair texture and hairstyles commonly associated with ethnicity or nationality against the law.

In 2014, Fudge first championed against this type of discrimination when the U.S. Military revised its rules on the allowed hairstyles of service members. At the time, Fudge, and other members of the Congressional Black Caucus pushed back against this calling out its racist nature.

“It is disheartening that, in 2019, hair discrimination creates additional barriers for people of color in education and places of employment,” said a Fudge statement in a press release from Booker. “Traditional hairstyles worn by African Americans are often necessary to meet our unique needs, and are a representation of our culture and ethnicity. To require anyone to change their natural appearance to acquire educational resources or a job is undeniably an infringement on their civil rights. I’m proud to be a co-sponsor of the House companion of the C.R.O.W.N. Act which protects against discrimination based on hair in federally funded institutions and in the workplace.”


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