premiere: steff reed heals us with the “power of love”
“I envision a world without bans and without borders. A world where everyone is FREE and everyone is LOVED. From South America to North America and all across the globe. I wanted to remind people that LOVE transcends and unites us all.” – Steff Reed
It seems like every day it gets a little harder not to be cynical. Every time a demand for justice is met with a demand for civility, you add another little piece of steel to that cynical armor. So with so much at stake and so much in a constant state of collapse, we need all the help we can get to keep up the good fight. Steff Reed’s music has always been a fountain of positivity when you need it. The songwriter, producer, and music educator has spent his career repping the “Power of Love,” so of course his newest video brings a little bit of that light into even the most cynical souls.
The infectious indie rock melody is intercut with images of friends and neighbors dancing and singing along while Steff travels NYC wth his matte black guitar. There’s a force of joy underpinning the whole thing, from the old school graphics that pepper the frame to the unself-conscious dancing that short circuits the part of your brain that’s been corroded by cynicism. I don’t know about you all, but I definitely needed this energy in my life today.
Steff Reed sees the song as a battle cry, explaining “We live in a society that perpetuates oppression, and revolution is a necessary part of the solution. I hope that the audience is inspired to love one another. I want people to create and fight for a better world for us ALL.”
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