Jared wickerham


jack swing brings the fuzzed-out indie-rock vibes

May 17, 2019
405 Picks

Gotta love that melodic alt-rock. With a vibe that hearkens back to the early ’90s, Pittsburgh’s Jack Swing hits the sweet spot between jagged-edged guitars and bold hooks. Singer Isaiah Ross cut his teeth in hardcore bands before forming Jack Swing, and finds a way to preserve that rawness ,while shifting focus to the more melodic end of the spectrum. The proof lies on the new single, “City Flow,” which hails from the band’s forthcoming Supermoon EP.


Of the new EP, Ross says: “Supermoon is Jack Swing’s mission statement.” He sees it as a rebuke to a scene that “has fallen victim to the equation…a need to write and create music within parameters that allow success. We want to create and inspire music the same way our favorite bands inspired us, by making music that was true to them. Music that they needed to make.”

Check out the full EP when it drops this month.
