Gemmel Moore, via Facebook


second black man found dead at dem. donor’s home

January 8, 2019
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Incredibly suspicious news out of Hollywood this morning, again at the home of democratic donor Ed Buck’s home.

As you may remember, Buck’s home was the site of the mysterious death of Black Gemmel Moore, 26, who died of a drug overdose in Buck’s presence back in 2017. More recently, Buck’s West Hollywood home was the location of a second overdose. This time of an unidentified 50-something Black man. The details around the incident are sketchy, but the similarities between both deaths are drawing greater suspicion towards the prominent donor. After Moore’s death, L.A. prosecutors declined to file charges against Buck. It was then decided that the “admissible evidence is insufficient to prove beyond a reasonable doubt” to charge Buck in Moore’s death. Will this situation be any different? Well, maybe.

“It is suspicious that this has happened twice now,” sheriff’s Lt. Derrick Alfred told KTLA in an interview. “So we’re going to conduct a thorough investigation to determine if it is criminal in nature.”

At the time of Moore’s death and ever since, activists — including his mother Letisha Nixon — have been protesting to bring Ed Buck to justice.

Speaking to a crowd at a West Hollywood City Council meeting in 2017, Nixon spoke plainly about what she feels went on with her son and other men. “Ed Buck has been soliciting young gay Black men,” Nixon told reporters. “He has them wear these long white ‘under-johns.’ He takes pictures of them,” she said. “He hits them up with meth. The more meth that they smoke and inject, the more money that he gives them.”
