
celebrating rep. maxine waters’ 80 years of resistance

August 15, 2018
178 Picks

The Resistor: Celebrating People Who Resist

What better way to celebrate the life and legacy of Representative Maxine Waters’ 80th Birthday than two historic primary wins for Black women last night — Ilhan Omar, a Minnesota lawmaker who is poised to be the first Muslim woman elected to Congress, and Jahana Hayes, a former National Teacher of the Year who could be the first Black woman in Congress in Connecticut.

To honor this maverick political powerhouse and activist aka Auntie Maxine, AFROPUNK partnered with Color Of Change: “We are inspired to #BeLikeMaxine and use our voices to challenge racism, xenophobia and misogyny. Rep. Waters has called out the bigots, bullies and hate-mongers who harass her and threaten her with violence. She has also never wavered in her support for policies that will directly improve the lives of Black people in this country. We recognize attacks on her are an attack on Black women and girls everywhere, in government policy and online. We come together to fight back against a culture that is complicit in the silencing and dehumanization of Black women and girls.”

At AFROPUNK, we believe in giving our community the microphone to let their voices be heard. Color of Change’s mission is to “strengthen the Black America’s political voice.” So here are the voices of real people celebrating and elevating Rep. Waters on her 80th born day. We love you Auntie Maxine — and we got you!


“A majority of people do not feel listened to by Congress, who seem more interested in big donors than in their constituents. If Congress won’t rein in this corrupt and mendacious administration, more and more people are going to take direct action. If a baker can refuse to make a cake because of religious beliefs, then a restaurateur can refuse to serve someone because of ethics. It might not be my choice (I’d have given Sarah a dessert on the house and told her she needed sweetening), but I respect the Red Hen owner’s choice and Rep. Waters call for personal action. It seems to be all we have left. People in high places might go high and be noticed, but we little people are tired of being trampled on, and we’re ready to give the Trumpers some of their own medicine. They can’t ban the cake and eat it too. And it’s time liberals stopped eating their own. Thanks, Maxine, for standing up for us!” — Kathleen Bryant

“Queen Maxine we have your back!  You have our support!” — Andrea Rye

“Maxine Waters is a guiding light, a beacon of goodness. I have had the privilege of meeting her, and telling her of the faith and support we feel for her. If more folks were like Maxine, just imagine what we could accomplish for the greater good. sending light and love to our National Treasure, now, and always.” — Donna Weinholtz

Artwork: Mwinga IG: @monkbreath

“Go get ’em, Maxine!  We’re right behind you every step of the way!” — Lisa Martell

“Maxine, I love you. You’ve seen and spoken clearly from the beginning of this administration. You don’t treat crimes against humanity as a fundraising opportunity, you treat them as a crisis. I really appreciate your not worrying about Schumer and Pelosi and their finger-wagging at you for not being sufficiently cowed. Thank you. I want you to know we have your back!” — Landry Wildwind

“Thank you Maxine for taking the lead in saying: ‘No more.’” — Douglas Rees

“Maxine Waters is a badass and hero and I am so grateful that she continues to speak truth to power. It was wrong to censure her and attempt to shame her and I hope in the future you realize that her courage is to be celebrated, not silenced. Thank you Rep. Waters.” — Sara Dimmitt

“I stand with Maxine Waters. Thank you for all you do and keep telling it like it is!” — Deborah Adkins

Artwork: Erin Leann Works IG: @erinleannworks

“I stand with you Maxine Water, supporting any and everything that you do. I am running for local government ( Kalamazoo County Commissioner District 4) for the first time, and it’s good to know that that there are strong minded, no nonsense, ‘fight for what is right’ black women in high places. You inspire me.” — Shequita Lewis

“I stand with Maxine. Thank you for standing up for everyone in this country.” — Arjun Varma

“I admire you for not giving up and not letting people intimidate you. Americans like me are taking care of our families and working and hoping for positive change. We are counting on your colleagues to fight for us. I won’t give up and I know you won’t either.” — Dionisia Gonzalez

“It is a pleasure and privilege to support you Ms. Waters! I’m so very proud to have you as a leader and representative!!!  You are forever in my prayers! Stay blessed!” — Camile Youssef

“Many Americans support this beautiful Queen and her efforts to pushback against any hateful political agenda. We are proud to have you represent us for such a time as this!!! Be encouraged and know that united we shall be the created change needed for all humanity.  Love wins!!!” —Zeta Graham

Artwork: Ubiomo IG: @lord_kpuri

“Are we going to stand by and allow our freedoms to be taken away from us?  Dems this is a new day and it requires new tactics. None of our freedoms were won by civility. Thank you Maxine!” — Darla Trapp

“Keep on fighting the good fight Miss Maxine! Thank you for all you’ve done in the past and for all you continue to do!!” — Tracy Moring

“I commend you Ms. Maxine for standing up for what is right. We need more strong leaders like you, that is not afraid to tell it like it is. Ms. Maxine is the real deal and I proudly stand behind you 100 percent. I salute you Ms. Waters #IStandWithMaxine” — Andrea Heard

“Congressman Waters, thank you for showing this country what a true public servant is, one who will be the first to step on someone’s toes or risk angering people in power on behalf of the American people. I wish more people in public office were as courageous as you. You give me hope, even after all we’ve seen go awry as of late, that those who behave unethically, unjustly, and unkindly will be held accountable through the persistence and fortitude of those who have said and will keep seeing ‘not on my watch.’ Stay strong, Congressman Waters. We love you and are so grateful. You make us brave. I believe we will win!” — Eric Pritchard

“Auntie Maxie has more guts than most of the Dems. It’s time for a change.” — Juanita Hall

“As a person of color, Maxine is one of the few representatives we have who gets it. Meaning she sees through Trump’s real intentions and fully understands how people of color in this country are disproportionately affected by it.” — Noel Barnes

Artwork: Ryan Williams IG: @ryantheartist

“Civility will not rescue our democracy. Give ’em hell, Maxine. You’ve got more courage than all the other Democrats put together.” —Judy Voss

“Hello Aunt Maxine, I call you this because I feel I personally know you. We got you and we support you! You keep sticking up for us in your own way that you do!” — Sheila Hunter

“Give em hell, Maxine! Politics as usual will not work in this new era. Thank you for having our backs!” — Ingrid Almaguer

“M. Waters is my hero and I want the entire Democratic party to be more like her. We are losing our democracy and we must make our voices heard. This is a critical period in America.” — Linda Gillaspy


“I stand with you Ms.Waters.  I am so proud of you.” — Marchelle Hill

“Dear Maxine, My wife and I think you are wonderful. You are the conscience of our country. Keep on attacking this awful aberration of a president.” — Howard and Arlene

Add to the #BeLikeMaxine comment book through our petition to show love for her bday! We’ll deliver the book to Auntie Maxine personally.

Tell us how you use your political voice to #BeLikeMaxine and challenge racism, xenophobia and misogyny at Color Of Change.

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