Film / TVMusic

the new ‘atlanta’ episode was scored by thundercat & flying lotus

March 30, 2018
141 Picks

With FX’s hit show ‘Atlanta‘ approaching the middle of it’s second season, the bar is raising on all ends of the creative spectrum… and we are more than here for it.

Starring the multifaceted, industry chameleon Donald Glover, the breakout hit has accelerated in content, composure, and overall comedic potency since their debut last year- and as their choices expand, so do their audience. Treating viewers with a surprise score by Thundercat and Flying Lotus, the series has added to its roster of entrancing musicianship with an offering from some legends in training- taking all who listen on a auditory journey to compliment the visual.

As the show’s already been applauded for its perfectly compiled soundtrack, this addition is the cherry on top. An entertainment experience for the masses, ‘Atlanta’ has become the window into a generation, and we can’t wait to see what they do next.

Make sure to tune in Thursday’s at 10 pm on FX!


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