
survivor of 1963 birmingham church bombing seeks justice for medical expenses

January 4, 2018
352 Picks

When we look back on the horror that was the 1963 16th street Baptist Church bombing in Alabama, many forget, or simply never knew that in addition to the four little girls who were murdered, there was a fifth little girl who survived the blast but sustained injuries that affect her to this day, including the loss of one of her eyes. Sarah Collins is that little girl. And while justice was received for the KKK members convicted of this act of terror, Sarah and her family have been paying the medical bills out of pocket for decades. Now, in the face of what she feels is governmental neglect, a family friend is accepting donations on Sarah’s behalf to cover medical treatment.

The fundraiser is ongoing and being held on YouCaring. Learn more about Sarah’s story and to donate what you can, here.
