Film / TV

spike lee is partnering with this 29-year old tech entrepreneur for new tv series

January 2, 2018
176 Picks

More good news for fans of writer/director Spike Lee as the filmmaker is planning a collaboration with 29-year-old Chad Sanders for a new series called ‘Archer’. A sociological thriller with tones of black comedy, the show will center around a character being described as a “young black Zuckerberg”. The show will be partially based on Sanders real life and his experiences as a co-founder and the business head of Archer Genius Management, the company he founded with Ed Bailey, a former LinkedIn and Google executive. Borrowing from those experiences, the character of Archer is also a coding genius who has developed a dating app that reads sexual chemistry. Ooo la la!

“Something clicked and I realized I could use my code – language, expression, and imagination – to unlock new worlds the way my colleagues used coding in tech,” says Sanders. “Companies are investing heavily in young creators and original content right now. I had a compelling story that I felt a passion to tell. I saw the market opportunity. So I jumped.”
