
trump’s lawyer posted a photo collage of his black friends on twitter to prove he’s not racist :d

August 17, 2017
2.2K Picks

Trump lawyer Michael Cohen really stood up to (rightful) claims that President Trump is a vile racist and Nazi sympathizer this week by posting…a collage of photos of him and all the black people he knows. “See! I’m willing to be in the company of black people and therefore cannot be racist!” Aight, dude.

In the bizarre tweet, Cohen also highlights that he’s the son of a Holocaust survivors and thus he has “no tolerance for #racism”. Yet, he’s essentially positioned himself as Trump’s “Jew friend” who’s cool with Trump defending neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and literal klansman.

As of Wednesday night, President Trump had yet to call the family of Heather Heyer, the young woman killed in Charlottesville’s last weekend by a white supremacist terrorist, or Charlottesville mayor, Michael Signer. But Thank God Michael Cohen knows some Blacks.


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