
baltimore rappers jpegmafia and freaky release politically minded short film “the southern strategy” as an accompaniment to album “the 2nd amendment”

October 3, 2016

With the election approaching, more and more artists are using their platforms to express their political leanings. Baltimore rappers JPEGMAFIA and FREAKY did just that in their album “The 2nd Amendment,” and took it a step further in their short film “The Southern Strategy.” Directed by Jeffrey Rettberg, the film uses both found and original footage, incorporating themes of political corruption and anarchy with stark images critiquing nationalism and the current presidential election, as well as America’s past. The film features guest appearances from ABDU ALI and :3lON as well as Anna Notte and Dylijens aka Toyo Mansi, all of whom have a special place in the Baltimore underground. View the piece below.

By T. McLendon, AFROPUNK Contributor
