
op-ed: trump’s acceptance speech: a nixon-esque appeal to white america’s fears

July 22, 2016

Last night Donald Trump gave the longest nomination speech in 40 years. It apparently takes more than 75 minutes to attempt to convince Americans they are doomed without you. The Donald wants you to know you will be overrun by criminals, immigrants, criminal immigrants, terrorists, and economic oppression unless you vote for him. But if you do, he will make everything better “very, very, fast”. Because in his mind “crime and poverty” (i.e. non-republican black people), illegal immigration rapists (read “Mexicans”) and lack of opportunity (Clinton rigging the system for corporations) will come to an immediate end upon his inauguration in January of 2017. So. We’ve got that going to us.

By Carri Twigg, AFROPUNK Contributor *

Overall, Trump’s speech was a Nixon-esque appeal to fear. He positioned himself as a law-and-order Avenger candidate that will crackdown mercilessly on anyone trying to harm “us”. A thinly veiled promise to white America that criminal justice reform and the policy achievements hard won by #BlackLivesMatter end with him.

In his most progressive moment (most being operative, as it’s still rife with bigotry) Trump committed to defend the LGBTQ community from the ‘violent foreign ideology’ and “Muslim” terrorists. Note, he will not protect you from domestic ideology, oppression or violence. But perhaps there is an upside to Trump’s inclusion of half-step equality: last night there was a +15,000% spike in searches for “LGBTQ”. It was also the top trending term across all of Google. Maybe the republican party got a little woke last night? Let’s all hope so.

The Democratic National Convention kicks off next week in Philadelphia. More soon.

Photo via Gus Chan / The Plain Dealer

* Carri Twigg reports Live from the GOP Convention in Cleveland. She was an Associate Director in the Office of Public Engagement and served as the White House liaison to the labor community. Carri is passionate about being an advocate for workers and families.
