feature: new film afro punk girl tests the barriers of race and gender leaving audiences reflectively engrossed
Britain- based filmmakers Annetta Laufer and Shobu Kapoor are raising the bar with their new short film “Afro Punk Girl”. Starring actress Danielle Vitalis and Larrington Walker, the Sci Fi film takes place in a dystopian, apocalyptic England, where “everyone has become migrants and are trying to escape to the ‘New World.’” The team originally viewed their concept as futuristically out of this world, yet after Brexit and it’s eminent repercussions, the idea is not as extreme. A visually gripping, and contextually chilling piece, the film leaves the audience asking the biggest questions with the biggest answers.
Laufer and Shobus production company Roman Candle Productions– est. 2013- aims to feature powerful women of color outside the bonds of stereotype or expectation, and “Afro Punk Girl” succeeds in portraying both power and culture; despite it’s trying circumstances. The film is currently in post-production and the company has set up an Indiegogo fundraising campaign to ensure their completion. An offering that deserves to be spread, check out their campaign and “Afro Punk Girl” below.
By Cree B. McClellan, AFROPUNK contributor
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