interview: a peek into the world of helena banks’ little monsters
The visual storyteller that goes by the name, Helena Banks is nothing short from leading-edge. She’s a Richmond, CA native currently creating in Washington, DC. From her imagination, she concocts her own animated world and brings it to life through her artistry. She describes her work as “A visual or physical manifestation of my own reality.” Her current project Little Monster House is not only ingenious but mysteriously intriguing. Here she talks with SHANISUNDAZE about her inspirations, her very first showcase in London, and what to expect from her current project.
SHANISUNDAZE: What sparked your interest in illustration?
HELENA BANKS: I’ve really always been into animation and illustrations since I was little. The Nightmare Before Christmas and A Goofy Movie were my favorite movies when I was a child. Even now as an adult I prefer to watch cartoons over anything. “I realized out of everything that I do I love the wonder of illustration the most.”
SHANISUNDAZE: How long have you been illustrating?
HELENA BANKS: I would say about 5 years. I started prioritizing it about 2 years ago and it’s paid off because I get better with every piece I produce.
SHANISUNDAZE: Who inspires your craft?
HELENA BANKS: Tim Burton and Hayao Miyazaki are my biggest inspirations hands down. Also, the world around me, my emotions, my thoughts and the people around me.
SHANISUNDAZE: Last year, your originality was recognized by Brick Lane Gallery in London. Take me back to that experience.
HELENA BANKS: So this was my first showcase that I had ever done, so I was really nervous because I didn’t know what to expect at all. Also, being in a different place showcasing your work is different than being where you live because these people don’t know me from Adam so they have no reason not to be honest. It was honestly the most humbling and inspiring experience and made everything that I have worked for thus far worth it. It inspired me more. I didn’t even know that I could inspire myself (she laughs). Sitting back and watching and listening to strangers analyze your work is amazing. I got all amazing feedback and everyone was so impressed and supportive. I’ve never experienced support like that before. No one knew who I was which was amazing because I could walk around and eavesdrop on what they thought about it and they were so fascinated. I could honestly go on forever.
SHANISUNDAZE: Your visuals are just so clever. What are your plans for Little Monster House?
HELENA BANKS: Wow, let’s think. There are so many things that I have planned for Little Monster House. I don’t want to go into too much detail because I’d rather you wait and be surprised! But just expect more and more visuals. I also have a gofundme page to help fund my Little Monsters and some of the things I have planned. The main thing I would be on the lookout for is an animated short series from me. But other than that, you guys have to wait and see. =)
Keep up with Helena Banks and Little Monster House here.
*SHANISUNDAZE is a visual artist and writer currently residing in the NY metro area. She is the creator of style blog @TheSanaaiCloset and the social media rep at Sofar Sounds Trenton.
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