new music: arrested development are back with the socially critical ‘this was never home’ #soundcheck
Since catapulting to national attention in 1992, Arrested Development has made a point of engaging with big ideas and major social issues. Their latest record This Is Not a Home, released simultaneously with Changing the Narrative, tackles police violence, electoral politics, and gender equality with urgency. Though some moments muddy the message, particularly the guest spots from Khao Cates whose radio aspirations contradict the well-observed media criticisms elsewhere on the record, when Speech and company are on, as on the album highlight “Trauma,” they’re dope as ever.
Speech explains the title in an interview with The Boombox: “it also relates to black people in this country and it’s my conviction that this is also not our home. Since we were stolen and brought here, we never were intended to be a part of this country’s vision. And as long as the majority is in power, it is still not their intention to make us equal players in this system.”
By Nathan Leigh, AFROPUNK Contributor
(on their site you can scroll down to mute the track playing in the background)
Album art by Baron Walton
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