
feature: afro and indigenous brazilian women are featured in “afroindígena” series by são paulo-based photographer diego matheus

March 16, 2016
60 Picks

“AfroIndígena” is a photo series by São Paulo-based photographers Diego Matheus, Maysa Marin, and Carol Paes. The series aims to create representation for indigenous and African Brazilian women and their rich heritage, which are too often overlooked. “For a long time, Native Indians and the blacks are hidden from the media, thinking about it, Maysa Marin and I were inspired to do this beautiful project,” Matheus writes.

By Erin White*, AFROPUNK contributor

Models: Isabelle Índia and Harikrishna Stevam

Photographers: Diego Matheus, Maysa Marin, Carol Paes
Editor: Diego Matheus

*Erin White is an Atlanta-based writer and AFROPUNK’s editorial and social media assistant. You can follow her on Tumblr or friend her on Facebook. Have a pitch or an inquiry? Shoot her an email at
