
event: frontline art exhibition – “a visual art, music, film and activism effort”

November 19, 2015

Find below the details for the next installment of the Frontline Art Exhibition (December 4th) – “a visual art, music, film and activism effort” with the aim of “using the ​arts and robust dialogue to highlight police brutality and racism in America,” state the exhibition’s camp. They add: “With the recent deaths of Sandra Bland, Freddy Gray, Michael Brown Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner and more, there is an increased urgency in bringing awareness to the issue of police brutality, and anti-blackness in America. Through arts and activism we believe that solutions and ideas can be created to make change. We hope to curate a night that will bring creators and thinkers together in one room, to be in dialogue, and start a conversation that might yield concrete strategies.” See the flyer below, plus some of the art that will be featured on the night (FYI the hoodie in the flyer is a piece in the show created by Zaria Poem). 

Steff Reed @IAmSteffReed (Curator/Singer/Songwriter/Producer)
Art by Will Porter @CanvasKiller_
Art by Anthony Akinbola @HeyItsBunmi 
Art by Lanizia @DreamMoreCreations
