
feature: the revolutionaries will be ostracized – upcoming documentary about having asperger’s syndrome

August 7, 2015

Save Our Legacy is Making a Documentary About Having Aspergers! If you’ve followed my writing at all, you’ll know that I have Asperger’s Syndrome, and that I have used music and various other artistic endeavors to try and work with it. Well, the people of Save Our Legacy has contacted me, and if all goes well, I might get a documentary made, not just about having Asperger’s, but about also having it and being black. If anyone has ever been both black and different in some way shape or form, you’ll know why this is a very important piece of info.

By Lightning Pill,  AFROPUNK Contributor 



Even though, you can click the link to see the synopsis, I’ll just give you the skinny right here. The movie is a five-minute documentary named The Revolutionaries Will Be Ostracized. It’s basically about more than just having Asperger’s. You can now find plenty of movies from Adam to Mozart and the Whale to Mary and Max where there is a movie about people with Aspergers. But very few, if any at all, has a protagonist that is of a different color. 
The Revolutionaries Will Not Be Ostracized is about what it is like having Aspergers, and how being black tends to be a bigger hindrance for me as such person. After all, if there is anything that I have learned, it’s that some people have a tendency to judge what they can never understand. So, my interest in music has helped inspire me to be more open with my experiences in having it. With it, I hope to, if I don’t do anything else, educate people on what it is like having it, among other things.
Me and Save Our Legacy have a campaign to put this movie together. If you would like to contribute, proceeed to this page. If you don’t have anything to contribute, we would all appreciate, if you spread the word. You’ll get plenty of prizes that run the gamut from a free hard copy of my vol. 1 album humanbeyondrepairto having your very own song written by me for you. (I really hope someone pushes for that. I want to start writing songs about people!) Maybe, if you are an artist, I’ll try and throw in a remix of a song for you as well. 🙂
Anyway, here is the link ( Thank you all and hope all is well. 🙂
“For those who don’t know what Asperger’s is, it’s a neurological disorder. It’s a disorder on the autism spectrum that mostly affects us socially, behaviorally, and/or in terms of learning. For more, you can read here, but if you want a preview, then here is what I can tell you. For example, we are sensitive from head to toe, so it may be a reason as to why we are picky eaters. However, when it is cold or if it is dark, we are least likely to complain about it. Not to mention that we are emotionally open, so much so that we have to be taught to be more reliant on our mentality to protect ourselves. More info can be found anywhere on the internet.”
