
feature: on the mat with dj – sun salutation a (surya namaskar), a great way to introduce the mind & body to yoga

August 10, 2015

Namaste AFROpunkers! Welcome to the first edition of On The Mat with yours truly, DJ Townsel, Former NFL-er, Orlando-based yoga instructor/trainer, and #RastaYogi. I’ll be joining the AfroPunk team a couple times a month to share some yoga tips with you. Hope you’re as excited as I am. If not, oh well, someone is lol. Now, let’s get into it!


By DJ Townsel, AFROPUNK Contributor 

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The most frequently asked question I get from followers, friends, and family is… “How do I begin practicing yoga?” 
Whether you’re focusing on the physical, meditative, or philosophical aspects of yoga, we all have to start somewhere. If you’re searching for that starting point on your yoga journey…here’s an idea.
Sun Salutation A (Surya Namaskar).
A series of postures that are typically done in the morning as the sun rises, hence the name, is a great way to introduce the mind and body to yoga. A few rounds of this sequence can energize the body, clear the mind, ease tension in tight areas, and bring awareness to the breath. Each movement corresponds with either an inhalation or an exhalation. As the chest and head rise, you inhale, and as the chest and head descend, you exhale. 
Mélat – DayTrip (EP: It Happens So Fast now on iTunes)
Precautions to take:
If you suffer from any tightness in the legs or back, bent knees are a great option in the standing poses and knees resting on the ground for the horizontal postures and transitions (plank, upward facing dog to downward facing dog). 
Benefits of Sun Salutations:
The standing poses ground you to the earth, build body awareness and help you find your center. Forward bend and halfway lift elongate your spine, stretch your hamstrings and cleanse your digestive system. Plank and four-limb staff poses engage the muscles in your arms, shoulders, chest and abdomen. Upward-facing dog stretches your upper body as it opens your chest and frees your breathing. Downward-facing dog works muscles in your entire body and calms your nervous system (
A great way to get your day started is to begin your morning routine with 5-10 full sequences of Sun Salutations while focusing on the breath, or even incorporating and repeating a mantra that will set the tone for a positive day. Consistency is what transforms a routine into a practice.
IG/FB/Twitter: @Dade2Shelby
