
“couldn’t afford therapy, so i made this”: powerful comic tackles mental health in black communities

November 30, 2017
4.8K Picks

Lawrence Lindell is like so many of us, struggling with mental health issues amidst a world insistent on putting you through trauma, without the resources to do much about it. But Lindell found a way despite the barriers, creating the powerful graphic novel “Couldn’t Afford Therapy, So I Made This” due to be released in Jan 2018.

The autobiographical comic is 126 pages, and explores mental health and identity within communities of color. Broken up into 5 chapters—Mental Health, Divorce, Nomad, Identity and Reclaiming Space—the stories hone on the specific trauma faced when juggling the sometimes dueling realities of mental health and growing up in Black or brown families.

“I hope that this book brings healing to those who might suffer in silence or just need to know they are not alone,” Lindell told AFROPUNK. “I especially want Black people and people of color to feel comfortable talking and working on their mental health.”

Check out some images from the book below, and pre-order it here now!
