

cali teacher wears blackface for history lesson

February 1, 2019
19.4K Picks

If you weren’t sure, consider this your education: Blackface is never appropriate or necessary. Not ever. So it should come as no surprise that a Sacramento, California teacher and superintendent are in hot water after co-signing the wearing blackface in a history lesson about missionary David Livingston. In order to bring this lesson to life, a teacher thought it best to dress as a Central American woman of African heritage to give the lesson about Livingston’s work in Africa in the late 1800s.

“I was wrong to allow the use of makeup no matter how innocent the intentions as it has offended some of my students and parents,” the superintendent wrote in a public statement. “I should have anticipated that this could be offensive, and I apologized to my students and parents asking to be forgiven for hurting them.”

Thus far, the teacher in question has yet to be identified but a former student spoke with Yahoo News saying, “I recognize the woman who wore blackface — she is oblivious,” the 19-year-old former student said anonymously. “It was very upsetting, especially because the kids in that class are so young.” Agreed! What the hell.
