
angela bassett to curate afro-surrealist exhibition

September 14, 2018
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Academy-Award nominated actress Angela Bassett is trying her hand at art curation by teaming up with artist Chelle Barbour for an upcoming exhibition of Afro-Surrealist collages. Set to show at Los Angeles’ Band of Vices gallery, the show explores media’s depictions of African-American women. It “explores the notion of the other or the alien or marginalization, but [Barbour] uses the black woman as her muse,” Bassett says. “When I, as an artist, look out into the world, I find those voices, whether it be art or music or narration, that celebrate our beauty, our being different, as a strength, as something positive.”

Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter, the Black Panther actress confessed that she’s been a lover of art for a long time; so when lifelong friend, actor Terrell Tilford who founded the gallery, approached her about collaborating with Barbour, Bassett knew it was the right opportunity. Bassett is mindful that she will bring out a diverse audience and elevate the visibility of Barbour’s crucial work.

“I have friends from so many different areas of my life, and as soon as they would meet each other, they all embraced, everyone just enjoyed each other and felt so comfortable and so high and blessed,” Bassett said. “I gather all these people from errant parts of the globe and get them together and there’s still a kinship and friendship and a love. It’s a blessing.”

Chelle Barbour’s Afro-Surrealist collages open at Band of Vices September 15. You can also see her work as part of the permanent collection of the California African American Museum and the photography archives of the J. Paul Getty Museum in L.A.
