once and for all, black death is not a f*cking costume
When white folks are allowed to dress up in costumes, you know there’s gonna be some fuckery. This year’s Halloween white nonsense is brought to you by a graduate of the Boys’ Latin School of Maryland who, while attended a holiday park at the College of Charleston in South Carolina, wore an orange jumpsuit with the name “Freddie Gray” written on the back of it, like a sports jersey. Another group of jumpsuit-wearing students, from Gilman School and Roland Park Country School, who were also in attendance and when they uploaded photos of the party to social media, they captioned it “N—s broke out.”
Another student, this one from St. Paul’s School, was photographed with a swastika and a racial slur scribbled on his back.
Meanwhile, at South Dakota State University…
Question: Why do white kids seem to love tormenting non-whites at every costume-wearing opportunity?
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