a white man killed 59 people in vegas but wypipo are mad at black men sitting during the anthem
On Sunday night, Stephen Paddock used an automatic weapon to gun down Harvest Festival attendees in Las Vegas, killing 59 and injuring over 406 people. As the deadliest mass shooting in the country’s history (defined as a massacre implemented by a single shooter), it understandably caused mourning and rage.
Rather than this rage being directed at our country’s lax gun laws (all of Paddock’s guns were legal), or white supremacist patriarchy that leads the majority of mass shootings to be carried out by white men, some white folks directed their anger to their favorite target: oppressed Black people.
As you are probably aware, NFL protests of the National Anthem have picked up after Donald Trump called protestors “son[s] of a bitch” at a political rally two weeks ago. Like Trump, who one would be forgiven for thinking showed more anger at protestors than he did at the mass shooting, these white men seem to think our biggest problem are people upset at white supremacist patriarchal violence, rather than white supremacist violence that has a white man gun down 50 strangers at a concert.
Maybe it’s because they see themselves in Stephen Paddock?
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