feature: brazilian and american activists collaborate during ‘black july’ in the fight against racial injustice and police brutality
‘Julho Negro‘ or ‘Black July’ is arguably one of the most important events to grace Brazil as of late. Taking place in late July, this event is comprised of a series of meetings, pow-wows, seminars, and marches- all preaching the necessity of the black culture, and driving the message of cultural unity through the roof. Both American and local activists are taking the initiative in raising their voice for the cause and by tackling subjects such as police brutality, mental health/trauma, and the importance of the Black Woman, they work to unearth the root of cultural aggression. One main focus being the police, they place brutality into perspective: Seeing as – contrary to America- in Brazil, the violent cops are often black themselves, and even from the Favelas. The movement works to expose the horizontally oppressive nature of the violence, and aim to counter the disfunction of the whole system. A powerful co-op with an even more -powerful motive, ‘Black July’ is setting the tone for a major shift, not just in Brazil and America, but around the world.
By Cree B. McClellan, AFROPUNK contributor
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