
new music: experimental noise artist trnsgndr/vhs’s ‘condominium’ ep is breathtakingly visceral #soundcheck

July 11, 2016

Baltimore experimental / noise artist TRNSGNDR/VHS’s latest EP is paralyzing, disorienting, and utterly mesmerizing. It’s the kind of record that chews its way into your ear then spits out from your chest like something out of HR Giger’s worst nightmares, leaving you a pile of disembodied human slush. But then, that’s what noise is supposed to do. Starting with “Portraits” this a record with little desire to let the listener get comfortable. It’s clicking synths, driven past the point of distortion, and fuzzed out ambiance. When a proper beat materializes in “Geography,” it’s a moment of relief; fresh air shot straight into your alveoli. The relief is short lived, “Permanent” is a glorious mess of aggressive ambiance and distortion. While “Fighting in the Suburbs” ends the EP on a hypnotic tone. It’s disarming, unnerving, and breathtakingly visceral.

By Nathan Leigh, AFROPUNK contributor

TRNSGNDR/VHS is currently preparing a US tour, check out her gofundme for more info and how to get involved.
