
malaville by mala bryan doll company toys sets new standard for black beauty and positive representation for brown girls everywhere

July 26, 2016

Mala Bryan, South African model and creator of Malaville Toys, is revolutionizing beauty standards with her beautiful- and exclusively- black dolls. While providing a fresh platform for black worth, Bryan continuously offers little brown girls a reflection of their beauty- being all too scarce in modern toys. Of course, there is no progression without resistance, and Malaville has been targeted or ‘called out’ by costumers for one doll in particular: the darkest one. The newest Maisha doll showcases the richest beauty on the spectrum, yet for some she proved ‘a bit too dark’ for their liking, suggesting she be recall. 

Jumping to action, Bryan graciously yet sturdily refuted the incoming ignorance, gathering a trail of enlightenment and pride behind her; making her voice heard and her dolls seen. The growing movement not only breaks barriers of the past, but paves the way for the future, giving brown people everywhere just one more ounce of positive representation. Check out her beautiful black dolls below.

By Cree B. McClellan, AFROPUNK contributor
