
feature: electronic r&b tracks from phnk provide listeners with a true, passion-filled experience

June 30, 2016

For Seattle- based singer/songwriter PHNK, the line between emotion and expression melds into one- allowing his audience to gather his full experience. Beginning most of his tracks with a catchy, multilayered beat, the singer then approaches his listeners head on, granting them line after line of meaningful lyric and musical progression. Self-producing all of his original pieces, PHNK’s personality greets listeners right off the bat, and his passionate talk-singing- reminiscent of an early Prince vibe- invites the audience to delve into his message without hesitation. By the end of each song, his process is crystal clear, and the emotions are pedestrianized- legible by all. Check out his latest works below.

By Cree B. McClellan

                                          Photography:Calvin K. Carter

