
op-ed: millennials are re-writing the rules & stepping outside the box by getting rid of the box altogether

October 22, 2015

Special interest has been taken with the millennials. They have abandoned many of the principles and rules their parents once lived by and created their own. Millennials are focusing in on creative pursuits and implementing “the arts” in their everyday routines. “Creating the type of lifestyle you want”, seems to be the unspoken fundamental objective for most of the individuals who identify with this empowered movement. They are making people take creatives seriously and proving that you can do what you love, make a profit and a respectable living. Millennials are not only taking opportunities, they are creating them.

By Chandra “SoNatural” Meadows, AFROPUNK Contributor

(Photo credit: @hannahfaith__)
Millennial: a person born in the 1980s or 1990s. 


Society’s views on creative based jobs and positions may or may not be shifting. However, the fact remains, millennials are creating lifestyles that don’t necessarily come equipped with 401k’s and pension plans but they do come with a piece of mind and the option to build an empire from scratch. No shade to those who choose the 9 to 5 route. We all choose our own way to reach whatever life we seek. It’s just refreshing to see more and more people investing in the idea of creative freedom. This freedom can be found in painting a mural, producing a song, directing a movie, creating an app, writing a book, designing a shoe or even finding a cure to a disease. This freedom does not come with limits. Perhaps, people are waking up and realizing art and creativity can literally be found anywhere and it can be quite profitable too. If executed properly, a creative base lifestyle can actually thrive.  


The millennials seem to have awakened a new age of following your heart and prospering in the process. They are making it cool to step outside the box by getting rid of  the box altogether and stepping away from what’s tradition, or from what’s considered standard by embracing new ideals. This not only impacts the way people make a living but it affects the way people feel about themselves as well. When you are able to fully pursue your passions it breeds a type of confidence and a certain type of fulfillment that adds even more value to your life.


(Art by Mohammed Fayaz)


To some, millennials can be seen as those who want something for nothing, or those who think they are above what those before them worked so very hard for but true millennials do not fall into either of these characterizations. If anything, millennials understand the sacrifices their parents and grandparents made and they understand the evolution the earth has undergone. They have simply decided to take advantage of the present time, to utilize the tools set before them in order to make the world a better place and further evolve to that next level. 

The millennials are the “cool kids” who have knowledge of the past and vision for the future.They now carry the torch for what’s to come.

*  Follow Chandra “SoNatural” Meadows at the following: 

   IG – @TheRealSoNatural 

   Twitter – @TheSoNatural 
